Auset Mchristion-Thomas's Blog (170)



1. Similar to the "JUST SO HAPPENED LIT", but the difference is that this lit is more concerned with the actual gateway of the…


Added by Auset Mchristion-Thomas on November 9, 2012 at 3:00am — 1 Comment

The Source Code Lit

The "Source Code" Lit:

  1. When someone subconsciously sees themselves as the end source of all knowledge.  They will never admit this on a logical and spoken level.  In fact, most people under this lit will not even be aware that they are behaving this way until you demonstrate this jewel.


2.  This thought is what produces the…


Added by Auset Mchristion-Thomas on November 9, 2012 at 1:30am — No Comments

You Gets No Love ~SCROLL~

                                YOU GETS NO LOVE LIT:


1.  This is the one of the most ultimate and final goals of the Illuminati.  The hopeful end result of all programming is to produce a circumstance for a person to demonstrate that they have no love left in a person's heart for a particular…


Added by Auset Mchristion-Thomas on November 9, 2012 at 12:13am — No Comments

Unreality Is Your Reality

 UNREALITY IS YOUR REALITY-LIT                              


1. Part of the SET ADDRESS to program women to keep men in a state of fear and confusion.  This is done by keeping things that are "not real" more important than things that are actually "real".  

2.  Listening to a person who is focusing on what's more likely not to happen than what actually probably will…


Added by Auset Mchristion-Thomas on November 8, 2012 at 6:00pm — No Comments

Hoop Theory Lit

                        HOOP THEORY-LIT





1.  A PUA concept of not directly answering women's questions, but can also be…


Added by Auset Mchristion-Thomas on November 8, 2012 at 5:36pm — No Comments

Justify The Character

                        JUSTIFY THE CHARACTER-LIT

1.  Circumstances that SMITH put one in that require that person to unfairly justify their character and prove they are by nature; good.  


2.  Women subconsciously give what are called "shit tests" and "emotional blackmail" in order to get…


Added by Auset Mchristion-Thomas on November 8, 2012 at 4:30pm — 2 Comments


                                 TRICKNOLOGY ~SCROLL~

1. The idea that one has to fool himself in order to even try to have faith.  This was done through witchcraft and the BASTARD LANGUAGE.


2.  Similiar to "Viewer's Suspension of Disbelief", when the viewer is watching a television program or movie, and…


Added by Auset Mchristion-Thomas on November 8, 2012 at 4:00pm — No Comments

Madden Lit

                                    MADDEN ~SCROLL~ 

1. Being admitted into a psychiatric ward. Typically, there is a woman involved that felt that it was the best solution.

2.Part of the bastard language lit unable to express yourself..

3.To much right brain no balance in the the mind aka bipolar.

4.Left brain expresses the right brain…


Added by Auset Mchristion-Thomas on November 8, 2012 at 4:00pm — No Comments

Desperation Lit

                             DESPERATION ~SCROLL~

1. Becoming influenced by desperation and letting your actions be controlled  by desperation. This is common on Fridays and Mondays.

2.when Agent Smith sends a powerful illusion an you as the person feed into it,giving it life.. simply ignoring it, it fades out…


Added by Auset Mchristion-Thomas on November 8, 2012 at 3:30pm — No Comments

Smoking Crack~SCROLL

                               ~SMOKING CRACK~

1. Gossiping and becoming under the influence of  gossip and rumors.  


2. Symptoms include wanting to buy material items.

3.Example hanging with a person that brags all day about what they got and what they're going to do..

4.Making being humble seem wrong, leads to feeling…


Added by Auset Mchristion-Thomas on November 8, 2012 at 3:00pm — No Comments

Worst Possible Scenario

                     WORST POSSIBLE SCENARIO LIT (WPSL)-

1. When someone exaggerates your character to a worst possible scenario in order to get you to justify your character.


2. Someone who approaches every situation from the worst possible scenario which creates fear. This is different from "playing devil's advocate"…


Added by Auset Mchristion-Thomas on November 8, 2012 at 2:30pm — No Comments

Hide God~ Scroll ~


                                    HIDE GOD LIT:

1. When you are building or doing your spiritual work and get interrupted, but instead of finishing your work, you put it away and go to the chaos.


2. Similar to the BETTY ROSS LIT, where the female turns…


Added by Auset Mchristion-Thomas on November 8, 2012 at 2:00pm — 1 Comment

Fucked Up Pipes Lit

 Fucked Up Pipes Lit:

1. A spiritual person conversing with another spiritual person can finish each other's sentences. But when a spiritual person is speaking to someone with "fucked up pipes" the spiritual person will be confused about how that person even came to that thought or conclusion.

2. This is similar to pipe dreaming, only…


Added by Auset Mchristion-Thomas on November 8, 2012 at 1:00pm — 1 Comment

Thief in yo house lit

Thief  In Yo House Lit:

1. When you clean up your entire house and "Agents of Chaos" come and fuck everything right back up.


2. When you put something special somewhere (your keys, wallet, purse, money, etc, and when you come back to get it, it's gone and someone moved it...and that somebody actually knows where it is, but you cannot reach…


Added by Auset Mchristion-Thomas on November 7, 2012 at 2:07am — No Comments


Southern Belle Lit:




1. When a child (usually a girl) spends their entire childhood saying and displaying chaotic behavior that should get CHECKED, but NOBODY says ANYTHING. Or even worse, YOU try to CHECK THEM, but other people get mad at you for saying anything at…


Added by Auset Mchristion-Thomas on November 7, 2012 at 1:30am — 5 Comments


Changing the Channels 




1. When somebody is talking about whatever comes to mind at the time and there is no order, spirituality, or higher thought to the conversation WHATSOEVER...


2. Usually…


Added by Auset Mchristion-Thomas on November 7, 2012 at 1:00am — No Comments









1. The people who exaggerate what you say and try to make you justify your character.


2. The people who put spins on…


Added by Auset Mchristion-Thomas on November 7, 2012 at 12:30am — No Comments


                                                         PROGRAM STILL RUNNING LIT:





Added by Auset Mchristion-Thomas on November 7, 2012 at 12:00am — 1 Comment


The I Ain't Said Shit Lit


1. When somebody chooses to say nothing due to fear. Usually fear of being corrected, made fun of, they feel they might not be right about the subject. So if they don't say anything, then nobody can hold them responsible for what was said.


2. This comes from one…


Added by Auset Mchristion-Thomas on November 6, 2012 at 11:30pm — 1 Comment

The Bullet Proof Vest Lit

The Bullet Proof Vest Lit

1.  Also known as the Armor of God (aka the "Armor of the Mind" or "Garment of Light"). Spoken of in the "Exit Wounds Lit", wearing the"Bullet Proof Vest of God" means that you don't…


Added by Auset Mchristion-Thomas on November 6, 2012 at 9:30pm — 2 Comments

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