Auset Mchristion-Thomas's Blog (170)

The Mad Hatter Avatar

The Mad Hatter Avatar

1.  The concept of being "stuck in a timeless loop", but not being aware of it.  Not being aware of change and how concepts, information, and cultural phenomenons can become obsolete.  This can also known as "The Chronic". 

2.  The fourth dimension is considered time and space.  From a telescope's point of view, if it were recording your…


Added by Auset Mchristion-Thomas on April 3, 2013 at 7:30pm — 8 Comments

Def (Skull and Bones)

1. CCDD being locked into an Agent of Chaos creating the manifestation of the spirit being locked into a "walking coffin" known as Def.

2. The combination of death and deaf,…


Added by Auset Mchristion-Thomas on March 4, 2013 at 10:00pm — 3 Comments

The Sahu Avatar

1. The new class of lower Self beings (drones) who have no conscious, order, inner structure, or knowledge of self whatsoever. Ruled by planet Mars, he has no control over his aggression and war-like tendencies. This puts him in the MC2=E lit. His mind and …


Added by Auset Mchristion-Thomas on March 4, 2013 at 9:30pm — 8 Comments

The Wizard of Oz Avatar

Wizard of Oz Avatar

1. The negative avatar of the fire signs (Leo, Aries, and Sagittarius), the Wizard of Oz uses aggressive intimidation, condemnation, and impulsive power of judgement to maintain control over the situation.

2. When feeling upstaged, not the center of attention, directly confronted, suffer a loss or come in second place, or disciplined, the…


Added by Auset Mchristion-Thomas on March 3, 2013 at 3:00am — 1 Comment

The Deceptacom

1. The media over ruler who controls and mainstreams the chaotic vril energy and manufactures Def through CCDD.

2. The producers of …


Added by Auset Mchristion-Thomas on March 3, 2013 at 12:00am — No Comments

The Easter Lit

1. The moment that the Nigga With the Backwards Clock exposes the rabbit hole to someone who was asleep and they finish Total Recall and …


Added by Auset Mchristion-Thomas on March 3, 2013 at 12:00am — 1 Comment

The Delilah Avatar

The Delilah Avatar

1. The negative female avatar that is locked into a world of unreality, insecurity, CCDD, and the lower three chakras, or lower self.…


Added by Auset Mchristion-Thomas on March 2, 2013 at 3:30am — 8 Comments

Original Slang

1. The original reason that hip hop was created was so that the slang could open the conscious to symbolic worlds that went past the twenty six letters and nine numbers known as the Bastard Language. Because the Koran is…


Added by Auset Mchristion-Thomas on February 28, 2013 at 10:30pm — 1 Comment

The CCDD lit

CCDD Lit (Isfet)

1. Chaos, confusion, desperation, and distraction.

2.  Ma'at is divine law, or order out of chaos.  Isfet is the opposite and natural enemy of Ma'at.  Isfet is the physical embodiment of injustice, which stems from CCDD.

3.  …


Added by Auset Mchristion-Thomas on February 28, 2013 at 10:30pm — 1 Comment



1.  Controlled chaos taking form in a circle.

2.  A group of Godbody's standing around in a circle,pop-locking ideas, virtues, and fundamentals based on Kemetic science and…


Added by Auset Mchristion-Thomas on February 28, 2013 at 10:00pm — No Comments

The Jezebel Avatar

1. The negative female avatar whom is locked into a world of CCDD, tangible and material items and vanity in order to keep Mason further locked into a world of CCDD. Jezebel's entire…


Added by Auset Mchristion-Thomas on February 28, 2013 at 10:00pm — 4 Comments

The Alkaleezy Lit

The Alkaleezy Lit

1.  The process of balancing the body the the process of alkaline.  Using alkaline water to properly balance the pH level in the bloodstream. 

2.  The process in which the body reveals what has been secretly wrong with it, during the process of detoxing and bringing the body to the proper pH level.  People will experience acid re…


Added by Auset Mchristion-Thomas on February 28, 2013 at 9:52pm — No Comments



1.  It is known that Set cut Ausar's body into 13 pieces.  It is a lesser known jewel that the 13 pieces were mutilated before being scattered throughout the land.  This was done in an attempt to further separate the one body, so that even if the pieces were put back together, they wouldn't be able to recognize themselves as one body.



Added by Auset Mchristion-Thomas on February 23, 2013 at 2:00am — No Comments

Dark Flow (Triple Darkness)

Dark Flow (Triple Darkness)

1.  Ether is to be thought of as the unseen underlying fabric or medium that waves and vibrations travel on.  The cosmological horizon can be thought of as the "edge" of the universe that can be observed from earth.  This "edge" of the observable…


Added by Auset Mchristion-Thomas on February 21, 2013 at 11:30am — 2 Comments

You Only See What's Right In Front of You Lit

You Only See What's Right In Front of You

1. Sobek is the concept of unseen forces and energy actually manifesting into the physical world.  As the unseen crosses over into the seen from the ether, it manifests as…


Added by Auset Mchristion-Thomas on February 17, 2013 at 2:30am — 1 Comment

The Vrils

The Vrils

1.  The mad scientists who no longer fear God.  They are athiests who worship their own work.  They have no human empathy and do not consider the indegenious people "human beings".  Those who wish to create a super race of Aryans to wipe out 85% of the population of lower class people.

2.  Those who built the first UFO's on earth. …


Added by Auset Mchristion-Thomas on January 30, 2013 at 6:00pm — 8 Comments

A Samson Story: Muddy Waters

Samson exited the gas station holding his two cigars in his hand.  As he placed them in his pocket, he noticed a white man approaching the door that he was walking out of.  It seemed to happen in slow motion.  This gave Samson time to notice that this man was…


Added by Auset Mchristion-Thomas on January 26, 2013 at 5:00pm — 1 Comment

Death of the King (Crown of Thorns)

Death of King

1.  The traps that Set has laid out that prevents you from opening your crown chakra. 

2.  The actual manifestations of chaotic and seemingly random events that cause distraction and desperation.  These events will cause turbulence in the…


Added by Auset Mchristion-Thomas on January 25, 2013 at 1:30pm — No Comments

Put Your Life on the Line

Put Your Life on the Line

1. A concept of the ego not being able to see the synchronicity of an event, causing the physical manifestation of becoming too prideful, or go out of the way to make one's presence felt or not felt.…


Added by Auset Mchristion-Thomas on January 19, 2013 at 6:05pm — 1 Comment

The "That's Cute" Lit

The "That's Cute" Lit

1.  The notion that women view Godbody's actions and behavior as "cute" and do not take them as seriously as Godbody's do. 

2.  When woman refers to an event or action that a Godbody is very passionate about as "his little thing" that he is doing.  For example, "Jesse, had his little baskeball tournament thing today. …


Added by Auset Mchristion-Thomas on January 19, 2013 at 5:15am — No Comments

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